Waving their little flags...
Look like the big Freeper rally in DC to support the war wasn't the big draw they thought it would be.
About 150 backers of President Bush's policy toward Iraq gathered in the gray, slushy cold near the Washington Monument yesterday to express support for U.S. military forces gathering in the Persian Gulf and to urge the prompt ouster of Saddam Hussein.
Former U.S. representative Robert K. Dornan (R-Calif.) and other speakers pilloried both Hussein -- whom Dornan dubbed a "mini-me Hitler" -- and the millions of protesters who have thronged Washington and other world capitals in recent months to oppose war in Iraq.
The Bush supporters countered with yellow "Don't Tread on Me" flags and signs calling for the liberation of Iraq. One man wearing a rubber Hussein mask held a sign that said, "Thank You Anti-War Protesters, Love, Saddam."
"We are the good guys," said Dornan, a former Air Force fighter pilot and longtime conservative firebrand. "Never again will we put up with this kind of person who tortures children in front of their parents."
Of the war protesters, Dornan said, "They were wrong during Vietnam, and they're wrong today." He also called Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), a candidate for president who fought in Vietnam and then led protests against it, "a Judas Catholic." Kerry has criticized Bush's handling of Iraq.
How sad is it when Great White can draw a bigger crowd than a rally to support Operation Inigo Montoya?