Sweetie....run down to the store and pick up mama's prescription....
You have to hand it to Florida....they're a special kind of stupid there:
Not long after school lets out, the cool and elegant home of Wayne LaRue Smith and Daniel Skahen, on a shady street near the historic district here, is transformed by the boisterous whoops of two boys.
They exclaim at a bee on the porch, at the lime tree in the backyard, at the consequences of mixing dirt with water. They jump in the pool and welcome a visitor's applause at each twisting fall and cannonball.
One is 5, the other 6; one white, the other of mixed race. They are bursting out of their skins with questions and energy.
Mr. Smith, a 47-year-old lawyer, and Mr. Skahen, a 36-year-old real estate broker, would like to adopt the boys, who have lived with them as foster children for about two years each. But they are a gay couple and Florida is the only state that forbids any adoption by a homosexual.
On Tuesday, a federal appeals court in Atlanta will hear their challenge to the law.
Gay people are the only group categorically restricted from adopting children in Florida. Even people who have abused drugs and alcohol or people who have a history of domestic violence may adopt under some circumstances.
Meet your new mom, boys...