Places to go...links to click on and read.
I've got a busy day today and a basketball game to go to tonight (SDSU vs UNLV) so blogging will be light, which gives you all the more time to check out the following:
Lisa at Ruminate This has some thoughts and an important link on the rightwing's assault on academia.
The fabulous David E has a morbidly fascinating timeline of uber-freak Michael Jackson's doings.
The Daily Kos keeps us up to date on the Democratic horserace...which is all it is these days.
Jeanne D'Arc poses and answers at lot of questions
Matt Bivens over at The Nation points out that Rumsfeld wants to get himself some of that knock-out gas that killed the Moscow theater-goers, since he gets off on collateral damage.
David at Orcinus points out that Howie Kurtz lies almost as much as Ari...or he doesn't do his research. One of the two.
The Washington Post piles on she-male John Lott/Mary Rosh who would fake a person but not a survey. (Thanks Maia)
Also important news about clown funerals, a couple of African Americans setting back the cause with a truly frivolous lawsuit, and the Pentagon ordering five times more body bags for Operation Inigo Montoya than they did for Gulf War I.
...and remember...this Friday Ben Shapiro will be 19 years and one month old....and still...a virgin.