The little yappy type dogs that make up the righty-kennel start howling in unison and that can only mean that Howie Kurtz perks up his ears:
Conservative bloggers, some of whom deride CNN as the "Clinton News Network," ripped the network yesterday. At InstaPundit, Glenn Reynolds wrote: "Once again, CNN demonstrates an inexplicable failure to background-check pro-Hillary questioners." Scott Johnson of PowerLine wrote that "CNN has shown itself unable or unwilling to act as an honest broker."The concerted effort to draw attention from the candidates actual answers, which revealed that the pretty much all of the Republican candidates are pandering death-obsessed wackaloons, seems to have worked. Kurtz wisely stays away from the putative adults at Red State who issued a fatwa (signed by both the "Directors" and the contributors. You can tell which ones are the "Directors" because they're the ones wearing the Burger King crowns with BK crossed out and RS4EVAH added) demanding a "do over". Unfortunately the RSers are unaware that the candiates signed an agreement with CNN at a sleepover the night before that explicitly stated at the end "..tap tap, no erasies." and then they all pinky swore to be BFF's. Tough bit of luck, that. Of course, Red State complaining about journalistic standards while Ben "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning he realized that all happy families are alike and that all children, except one, grow up..." Domenech wears a Director's crown heavy on his head is a story in itself.
James Joyner at Outside the Beltway, said: "If lone bloggers can vet these people in less than half an hour, surely CNN's crack journalistic team should have been able to do so between the time they selected the pool of questions and the airing of the debate?"
Bohrman said he had no problem using questioners who have voiced support for other candidates as long as they are not donors or formally affiliated with any campaign. "We bent over backwards to be fair," he said. "We're not perfect. But we tried extremely hard."
Meanwhile cock-headed manwhore Jeff Gannon complains about CNN planting people to ask questions.
That's what you call eight inches of irony, uncut.