That clears that up...except that it doesn't.
The Virgin Ben is no more successful with clearing up matters than he is with the ladies.
As noted before, from his column:
If Western Europe has its way, this will never happen. France, Germany and their other accommodation-minded cohorts are in the palms of Middle Eastern Islamic dictatorships. For these countries that never experienced the tyranny of Communist rule during the Cold War, the idea of evil is anathema
...and now the explanation from his blog:
Note: After reading the article, you will understand this comment: East Germany was under Communist control, but West Germany was not, and the majority of the German population hails from West Germany. That is why Germany today is so appeasement-minded.
Besides the completely unfounded comment that the West Germans would be more appeasement-minded, he fails to admit that he...was...wrong.
these countries that never experienced the tyranny of Communist rule during the Cold War,
and then
East Germany was under Communist control
Should we chalk this up to:
a)"youthful indiscretion"
b)"can't admit when he was wrong"
c)"not as smart as he thinks he is" or
d) all of the above aka "look...our baby is a Republican"