Stuck inside of Florida with those California Blues again
Here I am, stuck in Delray Beach, which is truly God's waiting room (why don't they call it AARP City?) just working and hoping to get back home soon. I've been here since Sunday and have been out of the loop politically and socially. Here's what I have seen:
~~I got to see Ann Coulter (for the first time!) on Bill Maher's new HBO show last night. As I've mentioned before, I don't really watch TV, so this was my first exposure to the notorious man/woman. I can see why she isn't taken seriously; it's all schtick (as my new friends here in Florida might call it). She is no more a serious political commentator than Limbaugh or your average air conditioner repairman. She just throws shit out there (as Maher pointed out several times) as well as baldfaced lies (which Maher also pointed out), and then fails to back anything up, choosing instead to change the subject. I wouldn't call her a dumb blonde since she lacks their more endearing qualities. Just call her a wasp-y self-promoter who's closer to the end of her 15 minutes of fame than the beginning.
~~Looks like the press is finally starting to really ask questions about the cost of the war. About time....slackers.
~~I actually enjoyed seeing Ari Fleischer at work (also for the first time). You have to admire him in the same way that you can admire Pete Rose; a sleazy, reprehensible, slimeball who is good at a couple of things. In Ari's case it's lying & slithering around questions.
~~My flight from San Diego was full of Christian Missionaries going to Houston. Too bad the Rapture didn't happen. I could have used the leg room.
~~Why does anyone employ Margaret Carlson? She's a more moderate Mona Charen....and equally worthless.
~~Florida sucks
~~Dial-up sucks more
~~The Bush administration sucks the most.
I wanna go home.