Thursday, February 13, 2003

Setting up shop in women's wombs

Republican Congressmen, ever fascinated with the sexual organs of women, have decided that the time is ripe to invade their privacy and their bodies and tell them what they can do with them.

Making good on a November election promise, House Republicans began pushing a bill Thursday that would ban a controversial late-term abortion procedure.


"It's time for Congress to act and place this bill in front of the president so that we can finally end this national tragedy," said Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, the measure's sponsor.

"While I expect that some of the Senate's most zealous pro-abortion advocates will again attempt to block this legislation, I am confident that we will finally be able to pass this ban into law," Chabot said.

Here is Steve "Comb-over" Chabot who coincidently lacks both a vagina and a brain.

Big Flaming Irony Alert:

Congressman Chabot, also served as a House Manager during the Senate impeachment trial of President Clinton. Chabot received praise for his even-handed and thoughtful approach to the trial.

Chabot has helped lead efforts to block taxation of the Internet, pass product liability reform measures, and toughen anti-drug laws. He is an outspoken defender of individual privacy rights.

Want to drop Hair Club for Men Steve an email? Just go here and use his home office address

441 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-2808 yours. After all, as a taxpayer, you pay for it.

Remember, he's a Congressman. Don't say anything he would.