Professional Standards specifically state the the suspect must be addressed as either "Noelle" or "Ms. Bush"
A police officer followed Michael Andrews down a street in the Cherry Hills section of town last month, calling him a "crack man" over his cruiser's public address system.
Andrews' attorney complained to the Police Department and, after the Professional Standards division investigated, Chief Marshall Gage reprimanded Officer Chuck King.
"I agree with you that this type of behavior by an officer is counterproductive and, at the very least, contrary to our rules and regulations," Gage wrote to Andrews' attorney, Herman Stevens Jr., in a Jan. 17 letter
I like this part:
Stevens acknowledged that his client, who he said was an unemployed "entrepreneur," has a criminal history and "some ongoing issues." But he said it was something his client didn't do that led to the incident with King.
"Unemployed entrepreneur" with a "criminal history" and some "ongoing issues"? Does Jeb know Neil is in town?