Friday, February 14, 2003

Outing Bowyer

Kevin over at CalPundit does a great job of slicing and dicing Jerry Bowyer's highly dishonest hack-work for NRO on the Bush deficits. Kevin mentions that it was too bad they didn't get a real economist to write a real article about the very real deficits.

And who is Jerry Bowyer? He's the "chairman of Bowyer Media, a company specializing in radio and television production, print and internet publishing and economic analysis." I guess they couldn't dig up a single actual economist — even a conservative one — to put his name to this shameless piece of deceit. I'm not surprised.

Hmmmm....Jerry Bowyer...where have we heard that name before? A quick search in google takes us here, where we discover:

Jerry Bowyer is a Pennsylvania radio and television talk show host. He is the morning host on WPTT Radio in Pittsburgh, and he also hosts Pennsylvania Newsmakers, Pennsylvania's premier public affairs television program

Pittsburgh! Hmmmm. That takes us where we learn :

Despite criticisms of some specific forms of home rule which have been proposed in the past, the Allegheny Institute Taxpayer Coalition (AITC) has always viewed the concept of "home rule," i.e. local control, very favorably. According to AITC spokesman Jerry Bowyer, "While I do have concerns about the checks on the power of the executive, those possible deficiencies are more than compensated for by the enhanced taxpayer protections included in the final draft. When the home rule enabling legislation passed the legislature, the AITC advanced a series of suggestions in various editorials in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, and in numerous radio and TV interviews

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review! Why that belongs to.....Richard Mellon Scaife. What a coincidence! And look at this:

Jerry Bowyer is President of the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy, a Pittsburgh- based conservative policy organization.

...and the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy gets it's money from:

The Sarah Scaife Foundation
The Carthage Foundation
The Allegheny Foundation
The Scaife Family Foundation

I sense a pattern here.

Looks like Mr. Scaife still hasn't gotten over his Clinton obsession. Jerry Bowyer is just his latest sock puppet.

You know, looking at Bowyer's website it occured to me: don't most "Media Companies" proudly trumpet their list of clients? I guess they don't when they only have one.

More on Scaife here, here, and here.