Cut it out! I'm being serious here..really.
Global analyst, Howell Raines scourge, and Pet Shop Boys aficionado Andy Sullivan noted this the other day:
A WASTE OF SPACE: Reading Maureen Dowd's characteristically inane column today, I asked myself once again why, at this moment of gravity and importance, a major American columnist has simply nothing to say, except occasional lame pop-cultural associations and a superficial account of the views of others. I'm not the only one.
Here's Andy during today's moment of gravity and importance:
SHOW US THE PHALLUS!: In an encouraging sign of non-p.c.-ness (what a word), Harvard students busied themselves over the weekend building a large penis out of snow. It was quite a work of art, apparently, and was featured in the Crimson, under the headline, 'Winter Wonder." But now the photo is nowhere in the web and the usual suspects are "offended." A letter-writer to the Crimson wondered whether the Crimson would ever show a photo of a snowy vagina. I think this deep and troubling issue cannot be fully understood or debated until we actually have a picture online of the great white monster, don't you? C'mon, fellow Harvardians. Post it!
I guess we should give Andy the benefit of the doubt and assume that he wishes to enlighten us with his views on both political correctness and the anti-phallocentrism permeating our leftward-leaning institutes of higher education in this era of deep seriousness and rising Islamo-fascism.
Or he just wants to see the big snow dick...
I deride.