Wednesday, February 19, 2003

"...not to mention a lack of representation by squinty-eyed ideologues..."

They brought out the armas grandes for El Topo Miguel Estrada today. Well, at least the biggest guns a lily-white party that is trying to play the racecard can muster. Featuring a Hispanic Republican Senato---whoops they don't have one of those. Okay, featuring a Hispanic Republican Congressma--- uh oh. Okay, they dug up some guy named Robert de Posada of The Latino Coalition to be the front man.

"This is a very serious issue for our community and no politician can take this quietly."

Race pimp.

Anyway, apparently Mr. de Posada was unfamiliar with Jorge Rangel, Enrique Moreno, and Christine Arguello. Perhaps this will refresh his memory:

Some Senate Republicans have attempted to dismiss concerns about Mr. Estrada’s nomination. Senator Rick Santorum said at a pro-Estrada rally, “`This is Clarence Thomas all over again. If you're conservative and a minority, they hate you.’” Suggesting that Mr. Estrada’s ethnicity has anything to do with concerns over this nomination ignores the Republicans’ own history in blocking highly capable Hispanic nominees during the Clinton years. Fifth Circuit nominees Jorge Rangel and Enrique Moreno, both rated Well Qualified by the American Bar Association, and 10th Circuit nominee Christine Arguello never received hearings under the Republican-controlled Senate, and it took the Senate a record four years to confirm Richard Paez to the 9th Circuit. In the case of Paez, 31 Republican Senators voted to indefinitely postpone the final vote on his nomination, including then-Senator Ashcroft, Senators Lott and Santorum, and current Judiciary Committee members Brownback, DeWine, Grassley, McConnell, Sessions, and Thurmond, all of whom ultimately voted against his confirmation.

Debe haber deslizado su mente. Cómo suprising!