All the clarification that is fit to print
As attentive readers will remember (or even you slackers who keep coming here looking for Hillary+Duffy+nude) from about noon today, young Master Ben Shapiro started tapdancing like Savion Glover over his comments about Germans never having "experienced the tyranny of Communist rule" with the following "what I meant to say but didn't because I'm a callow little rightwing twerp completely lacking in perspective and my dog ate my history book" excuse:
Note: After reading the article, you will understand this comment: East Germany was under Communist control, but West Germany was not, and the majority of the German population hails from West Germany. That is why Germany today is so appeasement-minded
Reader Jeff has provided us with a bit of Shapiro-logic to match the Virgin Ben's latest:
Dear Readers;
In a recent column, I noted that America was braver than other nations because Americans have never been slaves. After reading the article, you will understand this comment: black people had been slaves, but white people hadn't, and the majority of the American population is white. That is why America is so brave.