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  • Friday, July 27, 2007


    For those about to rock, we amuse you...

    Rockanomics is apparently the place where the "... America-loving, flag-waving, pro-military, Bush supporting, do-whatever-it-takes smart music fan turns" to.

    It is not a parody site, all evidence to the contrary. (Warning: there is, well, we'll call it "sound")

    Morning in America:
    Stretching out on this field of mine
    Sun drenched and full of promise
    The rest out shined
    Start with nothing and surge to the sky
    Fueled by a raging passion
    Bright lights, wide eyes

    It's always Morning in America
    It's always prime time
    It's always Morning in America
    Wake up the rest of the world
    It's always Morning in America

    Turn the camera back to look at ourselves
    Freedom built this palace
    Force keeps it alive
    Your best friend or worst enemy
    God stands up with the good guys
    That's us - angry
    Smashing through the skies tonight
    At light speed - your voices carry me
    Come in under the radar, top secret flight
    I'll take my place in history

    But I just want to swim tonight
    In your sea of tranquility
    I just want to spend all night
    In your sea of tranquility

    Moved by the spirit of those who destroy
    Pushed beyond the red line
    Armed with a prayer and my high tech toys
    Remember this for a lifetime

    I want to dive right in to your sea of tranquility

    Send me help me
    Fly through this great storm alone
    Hungry courage echos through this fever zone
    My life turned upside down for all who I defend
    It won't be long until they all hate us again
    Fantasy 2 Reality
    I picture you behind a wall of glass
    Obstructed view, I can't get passed
    Don't wake me up, don't drag me down
    Just lead me through uncharted ground
    Where is my concentration
    Where is my self-control
    Torn by constant fascination

    I'm built for you, you're built for me
    Constructed from the same fantasy
    I'm built for you, you're built for me
    Turn my obsession to reality

    Before the sun comes up each day
    I jump on-line and hit eBay®
    Surfing for something else to buy
    To make the perfect human eye
    Losing my concentration
    Losing my self-control
    I'll never lose the fascination

    I need the troubleshooting guide to this system
    I need extreme support
    For this out of control life - my life
    But this one. Oh, this one is special

    Stuck (on stupid)
    This love is fading like your peace sign tatoo
    I've tried so hard to fake it
    But you're taking too much time
    To leave your liberal friends behind

    I'm tired of hanging with your "peace march" crew
    When they yell "no war for oil"
    Makes me want to drive my SUV until the tank runs dry

    You've got too much dave matthews on your pod
    You couldn't care less about global jihad
    The Greatest Generation is tossing in their graves
    You say - it's our fault anyway!

    You're stuck on Stupid
    You're stuck on no WMD
    You're stuck on blame America
    You're stuck on Bush lied, kids died

    I've heard you listening to algore and fahrenheit
    I knew our days were numbered
    When you made me take you to that global warming movie last night
    Don't say that I can't see the other side
    Well I do, and I see traitors
    Your lifetime moveon membership gives you away
    There are moments in our lives when saying that something "really really really really really really sucks" seems somehow inadequate.

    That moment is now.


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