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  • Wednesday, May 23, 2007


    If you have to play the Mattera card, you've already lost
    Still not in Iraq

    First we start with Barry Lucier who had to do something in college that he didn't like:

    Now, unless you're a regular Fox viewer you might say that didn't go so well. I mean, college is all about professors requiring you to read, say, Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent and you counter-offering to watch The Silencers instead. So, perhaps sensing that B Lucier might need some moral support, YAF sent him on Hannity & Colmes with Jason Mattera who does battles with ideas and the results are...grim:

    Mattera responded that his organization “takes abuse cases” and called the requirement to view Gore’s film “academic abuse.” In fact, I found no such service offered on the organization’s website. Young America’s Foundation described itself as “an educational organization that sponsors speakers on campus and in the community, provides activist resources and materials, holds conferences and seminars, and saved the Reagan Ranch.”

    Mattera, who has no discernible credentials in either global warming, filmmaking or education, called Gore's film “a highly political movie in a science class.”

    Colmes pointed out that the vast majority of scientists agree with Gore’s position on global warming. “Do we give equal weight, Jason, to a view that’s a minority view? …You want to have equal time for something that is not of equal scientific weight.”

    A cocky Mattera asked, “Who you are (sic) to say that’s not equal scientific weight? …You don’t light (sic) a candle intellectually to any of these men.”
    And if anyone knows how to "light a candle intellectually" it is Jason who graduated summa cum laude from Roger Williams University. Although, based on this (pdf), we have to assume that Roger Williams must give out summa's like mints at Red Lobster.

    It appears that Roger Williamsis infested with white boy grandstanders.
    A morning radio show has been suspended indefinitely from a Rhode Island university's student radio station following its coverage of the Don Imus controversy.

    Morning Again, a weekly conservative radio show hosted by Roger Williams University College Republicans Dana Peloso and Jonathan Porter on 88.3FM WQRI, was pulled from the air Tuesday afternoon after using the term "nappy headed hoes" in its discussion of the Don Imus controversy.

    According to Peloso, the co-hosts received word of the suspension from WQRI program director Mike Martelli, who Peloso maintains came under heavy influence by University Vice President John King. King allegedly contacted Martelli late last week in an attempt to have the show pulled immediately after the dual hosts covered the Imus controversy on a special Sunday edition of the show.
    In an email responding to RIReport's inquiries, Program Manager Michael Martelli writes the following:

    (Peloso and Porter) were suspended because of insubordination and have consequently been fired because they did not have the patience to take part in an investigation by the station's student run executive board...Since they decided to jump the gun and go to the press I am lead to believe that this has little to do with concerns of censorship and has more to do with gaining attention.

    Jon and Dana mentioned the Imus Phrase more than 30 times in 28 minutes, they did little to actually discuss the first amendment and it was quite clear that Jon and Dana were trying to cause trouble. Their actions were irresponsible and had no journalistic character. This is the reason I have decided to let them go.

    The University has nothing to do with this decision, it is 100% mine.
    You'll notice that Dana Peloso is on the board of the College Republican Federation of Rhode Island along with... Barry Lucier. I guess they're trying to one-up each other before not enlisting to fight for freedom.


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