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Monday, May 07, 2007
I win, they get pnwed
Obviously there are some people who don't take the GWOT-M-O-U-S-E seriously and they have been hanging out at We Win, They're Poopyheads. I just want to recognize this hearty souls who are keeping America safe for juvenile antics and tomfoolery, before Rob Bluey figures out that something looks funny and starts deleting. It was at about #470 when the whole thing started to go downhill and the terrorists won.
470. The Wisdom of Bush Cartoon 471. jacie outlaw 472. Bruce McQuain 473. pastor ulysses johnson 474. EDWARD ANTHONY 475. Ted Hitler 476. Attila T. Hun, Esq 477. Pat Tillman 478. Ben "El Plagarismo" Domenech 479. Merkin Patriot I BET BIN LADDEN IS CRAPPING HI SPANTS NOW!!1 480. Carmella Hayersprai 481. Ahmed Chalabi 482. Wingnut Welfare 483. Hugo Chavez 484. Ann Altmouse 485. Joseph Stalin 486. Time to sign up Chickenhawks! 487. Miphet Ghote 488. Heywood J Blowme 489. Chester Cheetoh, Fighting 101rst Keyboarders 490. Dick Cheney 491. River Bend 492. Skeeter Jones 493. keyboard kommando 494. Rose Strasse 495. Harriet Miers 496. King Leopold 497. Mahatma Gandhi 498. Doughy Pantload 499. Flappy McScrotum 500. Wally Nelson 501. Chimperor AWOL Shrub 502. NTodd Tastefreeze 503. Jack Mehof 504. Dennis Kucinich 505. Eugene Tackleberry 506. Atlas "They Are NOT FAKE!" Juggs 507. Thea Ratwingiznutz Ratwingiznutz 508. David Hackworth 509. George "Commander Guy" Bush 510. John Boyd 511. Kip Winger 512. NotJenna Bush 513. Jeffrey Dahmer 514. Lois Carmen Denominator 515. Atlas THEY'RE REAL AND THE'RE SPECTACULAR!!! Juggs 516. Awol McPresident 517. Walter Sobchak 518. Jack The Ripper 519. Klingons Orbitting Uranus 520. Ima Natzi 521. Reagan's Corpse 522. Commander Guy 523. Michelle Malkin's Evil Twin 524. Kate "The Desert" O'Bierne 525. Michael J Fox 526. Me Lose Brain? 527. Slantie McCootchie 528. Chimpy McStagger 529. Commander Cuckoo Bananas 530. Man Hands Hughes 531. Spiny Norman Hedgehog 532. Allen "Shoeannie" Butler 533. Rev. Ted Haggard 534. Snarly McCrashcart 535. David Berkowitz 536. The Dude 537. Han Winger 538. Na na na na na na na na Batman 539. Harry Snapper Organs 540. Moronic Petition Signer 541. Anita Bryant 542. Alotta Fagina 543. Floppy Noodle 544. Curve Ball 545. Richard Less 546. Ivanna Humpalot 547. Michelle Malkin's Ping-Pong Ball 548. Phoebe "bigger balls than you" Cates 549. Grabthar's Krauthammer 550. November Seventh 551. Chris "I'm Cheney's Bitch!" Matthews 552. Gayaborshuns Ferall 553. Spiny Norman 554. Liddy "gerbi" Dole 555. 3300 deadsoldiers 556. Biggus Dickus 557. Jeff "8" Uncut" Gannon 558. Woody U. Bendover 559. Genghis Khan 560. Rufus T. Firefly 561. j slanz 562. Sam Brokeback Mountain 563. Orrin Downthehatch 564. Oh My God I'm Stupid and a Coward!!!! 565. Raymond Luxury Yacht 566. Rep. Squeezy McFeelpants 567. bebe rebozo 568. Inconvient Truth 569. Chickunhawkz Tehroolz 570. Condoleezza Ferragamo 571. John McCumstain 572. Thiswar Isacrime 573. Iknowyouare butwhatami 574. Neil "I didn't know they were hookers!" Bush 575. Nancy Pelosi 576. Laura's Dead Boyfriend 577. Tweety Bird Matthews 578. dood this is teh suck 579. Big Tim Pumpkinhaid 580. Ted Bundy 581. Judith I-Was-Proved-F#$%ing-Right Miller 582. John McCain's Black Baby 583. Send Bush Cheney To The Hague 584. Ima Bitchacokov 585. Prescott "Greasy Thumbs" Bush 586. Judith Miller-Chalabi 587. Bite Me! 588. Two Prawns, both called Eric 589. 3,300 Brave Soldiers Who Died Instead of a Bunch of Cowardly Right Wing 590. YouCantWin AnOccupation 591. Circlin De Beauwl 592. Tony Blair Poodle Boy 593. Enormous Genitals 594. Toby Petzold 595. Wasted Treasure 596. George "The Nazi Jew" Soros who totally runs Moveon.org and Media Matter 597. Richard Gere's Gerbil 598. Elizabeth Báthory Countless Dracula 599. Mission Accomplished 600. Lord Voldemort 601. John Wayne 602. Republican Jesus 603. Larry King's 5th Wife 604. Gary Ruppert 605. Arewe Winningyet 606. Donald Rumsfeld 607. Ima Comma 608. Allen Butler 609. Incontinentia Buttocks 610. Mona Charen's Infected Genitalia 611. Why Are The Liberals Obsessed With Osama 612. Scary Vagina 613. Rudy Giuliani 614. Iam Shitski 615. Iapprove Thismessage 616. Throatwobbler Mangrove 617. Paul Wolfowicz's Comb 618. Duke Cunningham's Favorite Whore 619. You Lose, We Win! 620. Terry Schiavo 621. Tony Soprano 622. African Swallow Speed 623. Newt Gingrich's Desktop Deep Throater 624. Tonya Harding 625. DC Madame 626. Wolverines Rule! 627. Lisa Marie 628. maf54 :what r u wearing? lol 629. Zombie Reagan... Must Eat Brains!! 630. Professor Donald Kessler 631. Rush Limbaugh And Viagra In The Dominican 632. Condi's Toothgap 633. Duke Cunningham's Golden Crapper 634. Excessive Concern for Ferretts 635. Eddie Gein 636. Staged War 637. Farles Wickenmmmmqs 638. Be Bop 639. :mad: :mad: :mad: 640. Rock Steady 641. Rush's Drug dealer 642. The Real Annieangel 643. Ted Williams FrozenHead 644. My Hoovercraft is full of Eels 645. Jeremiah Potemkin III 646. Ronald Reagan Still Dead 647. Ann Althouse 648. David Crosby's Sperm Mary Cheney's Eggs 649. Ruby Sausagewallet 650. Rudy Julie Annie 651. False Pretenses 652. I'M WITH STUPID 653. Henry Kissinger's German Pride 654. Valerie Plame 655. THANKS FOR 2006, BITCHES! 656. Hyacinth Bucket (it's Bouquet) 657. Ralph Luxury Yacht 658. Sir Edmund Blackadder 659. John Wayne Gacy 660. Another Bald Guy Dubya Can't Stop Touching 661. Mypet Goat 662. Baldrick 663. The Commander Guy 664. ThreeFiddy Gallons O'Gasoline 665. Barbara Bush's Rotten Crotch 666. Charles "Chuck" Manson 667. Purge T. Surge 668. Katrina 669. Crossdresser Guiliani 670. Paris Hilton #265438 671. Mission Accomplished 672. Byron York And The Anal Cysts 673. Achtundzvanzig Prozent 674. H. H. Holmes 675. 8/6/01 PDB 676. Johnny "I'm Not Dead" Ramone 677. Sen. Phil E. Buster 678. Abramoff's Hat 679. Johnny Ramone 680. Lindsay Beyerstein is unbelievably Beautiful 681. I'm Sorry My Face Got In The Way Of Your Buckshot 682. The Pretzels Are Winning 683. Quagmire Accomplished 684. Jane Doe 685. Faith Based Bullshit 686. Condiliar Rice 687. Ann Coulter's Adams Apple 688. Karl Rove, Atheist 689. Prince Prancey McFlightsuit 690. TE Lawrence 691. Bumpy Johnson 692. Prince Faisal al-Hashemi 693. Sherlock Holmes 694. Scott Lackey 695. Red Kool-aide Drinker 696. Cheeto-Eaters Walk Among Us 697. I Don't Believe in the Flypaper Theory 698. I Don't Believe in the Theory of Jesus 699. Mark Gisleson 700. Jeb "I Hate My Brother's Guts" Bush 701. Sneering Penguin 702. Moonshine Patriot 703. M.T. Codpiece 704. Dick "5 deferments" Cheney 705. Paranoid Tribe-Member 706. Brit Hume's Hair 707. Richard McBeef 708. You're right, Lindsay Beyerstein IS Beautiful For the record, I think that Mark Giselson one looks kinda phoney. Yeah, right. "Mark Giselson" - sure...you bet.