Quite frankly, I'm Imus-ed out, I don't care about a bloggers code of ethics, I liked Kurt Vonnegut - I just didn't love Kurt Vonnegut, and we're still losing in Iraq.
So....this is for Scott at LG&M who is Martin Scorsese's BFF:
And the worst movie I ever saw? Even though it was 30 years ago, I still have to vote for Sorcerer,a Billy Friedkin job from 1977 with Roy Scheider. I never saw the original on which this piece of crap was based [The Wages of Fear],but this movie was awful from the first. Ironically, I actually had to sit through this 121 minutes of hell on earth twice!
Without opening up the Sorcerer vs Wages of Fear debate, Sorcerer is a visually stunning film that happened to come out the same year as Star Wars which also happened to be the same year that the movie-going public lost patience with any film that didn't provide them with thrills and chills at a breakneck pace. Thus began the Age of the Mindless Blockbuster. Thirty years later: Michael Bay.
As a side note, I once stood in line at a video store for what seemed like an eternity and listened to two seemingly intelligent women discussing the merits of Problem Child vs. Problem Child 2. They couldn't decide which was better.
Did I mention that one of my least favorite things in the whole fucking world is listening to customers at video stores discuss which film they should rent and why...