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Monday, April 23, 2007
Innocents Not Abroad
But the dog would miss me...Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning (R) entered the state’s 2008 Senate race as a potential replacement for Sen. Chuck Hagel (R) if the latter were to retire. But now Bruning says he might try to unseat the Iraq war critic in a primary.
He cited Hagel’s recent vote for a troop withdrawal deadline in Iraq and his suggestions that President Bush could be impeached. Bruning said yesterday that he has been given sufficient reason to consider running for the seat even if the two-term senator aims for a third term.
“Senator Hagel voted with the Democratic leadership against President Bush on the most important issue facing our country,” Bruning said, adding, “These are drastic and dramatic shifts away from the Republican Party, our president, and the people of Nebraska.”
Hagel has been mum about his future, but he has suggested that he might run for president and that he might not run for reelection to the Senate regardless of his presidential plans.
In an ambitious move last month, Bruning formed an exploratory committee with the express purpose of laying the groundwork in case Hagel retires.
“Senator Hagel is an outstanding, well-respected public servant and I will not run against him in the primary,” Bruning said at the time, as reported by the Omaha World-Herald. A quick check shows that Chuck Hagel:
... served in Vietnam with his brother Tom in 1968. They served side by side as infantry squad leaders with the U.S. Army’s 9th Infantry Division. Hagel earned many military decorations and honors, including two Purple Hearts. Another quick check, this time on John Bruning , shows that he will only be 38 this weekend which is still young enough to enlist and that as a:
... fifth-generation Nebraskan, he carries a reputation as an aggressive, effective leader in the fight against crime. Qualities that will serve him well as an officer in Fallujah. Qualities, in fact, inculcated in him at the University of Nebraska where he was a member of the Society of Innocents:
The Innocents Society is the Chancellor's senior honorary society at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, comprising 13 men and women who apply during the spring of their junior year and our selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership and service. Members are known throughout campus, but the society still retains secrecy through rituals and a secret meeting room. Members worked to promote school spirit and create an appreciation among the student body for the greater values for which Nebraska stand
During the '40s and '50s, the Innocents coordinated freshmen beanie sales and would wear identical jackets one day each week. Like the Missouri bell exchange, at this time an exchange with the University of Colorado was coordinated. The head of a buffalo was mounted for a mere $20 and named 'Mr. Chips'. Mr. Chips was then given to the winner of the annual Nebraska vs. Colorado football game. Unfortunately, in 1962 Mr. Chips somehow got misplaced by members of Colorado's Heart and Dagger Society, and the tradition was not continued. The Innocents of these years were quite the mischievous group, but many of these antics died down during the '70s. The '80s brought renewed spirit to the Innocents, and although the Innocents today no longer coordinate Dandelion Day or choose members of the spirit squad, they still carried on many of the traditions set forth by their founders. The Innocents of 2005-2006 sponsored a fundraiser for a local nonprofit organization, raising some $10,000.
After all, the Society of Innocents prepared former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey to serve in the Navy Seals in Viet Nam where he won a Medal of Honor.
So, c'mon Jon! Here's your chance to pad the old resume and make sure that your daughter will never have to live under shari'a law in Lincoln. Nebraska. The US Senate will still be there, waiting for you, when you get back from your third tour of duty.
We promise: no Dear Jon letter...