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Saturday, April 21, 2007
I'm looking California, and feeling Minnesota
There's more to life than a little money, you know. Don't you know that? And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day. Well, I just don't understand it.
Oh Minnesota, what draws this Southern California boy to your lakes, your "Minnesota nice", your balmy climate, and your loony rightwingers?
By way of Scott at Power Line (he's the goofy-looking one...no, the other goofy-looking one) we are introduced to Mark Cohen at Minnesota Lawyer , which you may or may not receive in the mail depending on whether you selected it from Publishers Clearinghouse instead of Butter Churners Illustrated or Juggs & Ammo. It seems that Mark is quizzical/being droll/too lazy to ponder the difference in coverage of U.S. Attorney Rachel Paulose as opposed to Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson:
Meanwhile, speaking of the AG's Office, no one seems to have picked up on an ironic little fact reported Minnesota Lawyer's Bar Buzz column recently. Right about the time Paulose's three deputies stepped down, newly installed state Attorney General Lori Swanson's two deputies departed from her office with nary a peep in the press. (See "Two deputies exit AG’s office," in the April 9 Minnesota Lawyer, password required.)
Swanson, a relatively youthful 40 and the first woman to hold the AG job in the state, is a DFLer. Paulose, a relatively youthful 34 and the first woman to hold the U.S. attorney job in the state, is a Republican. Hmm. We will leave it to you to and the political blogs to speculate if there is any significance to the disparate coverage. Well let me put on my Marge Gunderson Ear-flapped Hat of Investigation and see if I can figure this out before supper.
Rachel Paulose, you may remember, came to people's attention when she treated her investiture like a Quinceañera, with a color guard, a choir, and possibly pony rides and a big inflatable jumpy thing. Paulouse, who had been acting US Attorney for nine months, never actually went through the Senate Judiciary Committee and so never had her nomination sent to the full Senate for a confirmation vote. Instead, she was part of a last minute "clean-the-desks-off-so-we-look-like-we-have-been-busy" discharge resolution right before a Senate recess (a recess which also probably involved pony rides and a giant inflatable jumpy thing). As such, her record was never scrutinized very closely, which would have shown that she had scant prosecutorial or management experience. What she did have was a friend in Jesus with Monica "The 5th Amendment Is My Shepard...I Shall Not Speak" Goodling who helped pave the way for her fellow kinderlawyer. Later, of course, there was the U.S. Attorney staffergate . That didn't look too good and Washington even sent a missionary to attempt to calm the waters to no avail.
So. We have an appointed US Attorney with little experience, a taste for princess parties, and a big steaming connection to an out of control Justice Department run by an idiot that's been in all the papers lately.
As for Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson, she was directly elected (with 53.24% of the vote) to her position by the good people of Minnesota and prior to the election:
Ms. Swanson served the State of Minnesota as Minnesota’s Solicitor General from 2003 to 2006, and Deputy Attorney General from 1999 to 2002. Prior to her appointment as Deputy Attorney General, Ms. Swanson was an attorney in private practice in Minneapolis. Oddly enough she has not been touched by what has been going on in DC, she has experience at her job, and, hey, the people like her, they really like her.
Case closed.
Of course, the fact that Mark Cohen couldn't figure this out on his own, does make one wonder exactly how easy it must be to pass the bar in Minnesota. What do they have to do - show that they can blow up a balloon without getting their head stuck inside?
Lou: Yah, that's a good one.