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Thursday, February 22, 2007
I blame my mother because she is guilty
Tammy Bruce: "liberal" and apparently a psychologist in much the same way that Dr. Laura is:
At about 45 minutes past the hour I'll be a guest on FNC's "The O'Reilly Factor." We'll be talking about the Bill Maher meltdown on Leno last night, and specifically why certain people in Hollywood hate the president so much. From the beginning of his presidency, the Left has never rooted their arguments against the president in fact or logic. Instead, it has been an orgy of personal attacks, name-calling and vitriol. The Maher diatribe last night encompassed all of that. And it's not just "liberal politics." This is a reflection of what drives those who in the world-- envy, jealousy, self-loathing, and paranoia, all reflective of Malignant Narcissism.
Many of us disagree passionately with many of the president's positions, but I do so with respect for the man. When the argument devolves into literal personal hatred for a person you do not even know personally, you have to ask yourself, What is really behind my attitude? People like Maher inevitably find that it has nothing to do with a stranger (the president) but everyone else in their life (like their father) whom they still resent, even hate, and are simply projecting those feelings onto someone else.
For Maher and Hollywood and Leftist elites like him, President Bush represents a father figure who they resent and feel unable to please. They project their own hatred for their father or parents on who the Left traditionally sees as parents--the government. And unless they see themselves in the president (as they did Bill Clinton), their malevolence overwhelms any shred of decency or reason in the process. They resent him because he represents values they cannot match, and they're jealous of him because the American people embrace him and have given him power.
Frankly, people like that, whether it be a disturbed Bill Maher or a drunk Danny DeVito (remember "The View" debacle?), shouldn't be on television; they should be in a psychiatrists office dealing with their personal rage issues. Later that day...
Thomas, who had masqueraded as a 'serious' journalist for far too long, managed to hold onto a prized front-row seat at White House briefings despite the fact that she had not been a working reporter for seven years since leaving UPI. Her years as a columnist have exposed her deep-seated bias, leftist ideology, and absolute malevolence for conservatives and President Bush's administration in particular.
Finally, the absurdity of this faux-reporter having a prime seat for WH briefings has come to an end. With that position, she has been an embarrassment to the WH news corp, and to America in general. It's been obvious for quite some time that the Establishment Media is anything but objective, or even fair to the United States, but Thomas' rantings for the past seven years have been beyond the pale. I'm not saying the president shouldn't be taken to task (I do so regularly) but her lack of decorum and respect for the president (regardless of policy disagreements) had gotten old, nauseating and insulting to all of us. She'll still be in the press room, but at least moved to the second row. Please, to the back of the room, or even the hallway would be preferable.
When the argument devolves into literal personal hatred for a person you do not even know personally, you have to ask yourself, What is really behind my attitude? People like Maher Bruce inevitably find that it has nothing to do with a stranger (the president Helen Thomas) but everyone else in their life (like their father mother) whom they still resent, even hate, and are simply projecting those feelings onto someone else.
Why does Tammy Bruce hate her mother? She should be in a psychiatrists office dealing with their personal rage issues.
(Theoretical "meltdown" link added)