Monday, September 25, 2006
Fair and balanced
From Micturating Media:
PJM in Seattle September 26, 2006 9:59 PM
POLITICSCENTRAL will host a panel discussion/reception at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 26. ( 5:30PM cocktail reception / 6:30 Panel - note time change). Topic: “How Partisan Is Too Partisan?” Confirmed panelists so far: Michael Barone (US News), Paul Mirengoff (Powerline), Tom Bevan (Real Clear Politics), Mark Blumenthal (The Mystery Pollster). Moderator: Glenn Reynolds.
Watch this space for more surprise panelists and guests as they develop… Just added: Cliff May of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Jane Hall of Fox News Watch. Nidra Poller from Paris! Richard Miniter. (This event will be videotaped and podcast. Thank goodness that they invited the Ole Perfesser to moderate lest they lean too far to the right and fall off the dais.