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Thursday, August 03, 2006
A very passive-aggressive outing
 The blogger who came in from the cold
What fun you missed while you were sleeping!
One of benefits that comes with being "...a somewhat popular blogger" is that eventually you cause someone's tighty-whities to get so bunched up that their junior high school self suddenly bursts through the thin candy-shell of their adult facade and we get a taste of what lurks beneath.
Which is to say that Patterico of Patterico's Pontifications popped up in the Malkin comments to defend her honor (and Hercules cleaning out the Augean Stable's was a pussy compared to that task) and dropped enough hints about my double-supersecret deep-cover identity and how to find it that even Bryan Preston could figure it out. Yes...it's that simple.
Now you really have to go read the comments to get the full-roasted flavor when passive/aggressive coyness meets factory default setting obtuseness ("Hunh? What? What did I do?") but here is the somewhat abridged edition: "This is what she is.
"This is what she does."
Who are *you*?
And what do *you* do?
Since we're all happily taking cheap potshots at people who have the guts to attach their names to their opinions . . . Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 2:24 am | #
Stop them before they mock people with real names again!
Someone should sign a petition. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 2:26 am | #
And they should include their e-mail address.
In the petition.
Searchable, as e-mail addresses often are, by Google. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 2:27 am | # Oooo. Sherlock. The game is afoot! One of these day Patterico is going to actually string one thought together without going, "Fuck! I should have said..." tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 2:49 am | #
You really want me to string this particular thought together??
Happy to do it if you insist. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 2:53 am | #
Then there was a lot of folderol and blather until this, where I quote a certain Mr. Patterico:
After all, I’m obviously not objecting to use of pseudonyms by bloggers and blog commenters. How could I be? I mean, you’re reading a post by someone who calls himself “Patterico.” And, while I made the decision to make my real name public long ago (it’s Patrick Frey), many of my commenters use pseudonyms. So what’s the big deal?
Here’s the thing. I am actually a strong defender of people’s right to comment anonymously, or pseudonymously. I myself was semi-pseudonymous for the first several months of this blog. But I don’t think that commenters should use pseudonyms to pretend to be something or somebody they aren’t.
I don’t go around pretending to be someone else. I am accountable for what I say. If I were anonymous commenter “Patterico,” defending the arguments and actions of well-known blogger “Patrick Frey,” I wouldn’t be surprised if people found that fact worth sharing. And as far as I know, my blog commenters are not going around pretending to be people they’re not, commenting on themselves using pseudonyms. If I found out that they were doing that, I’d let ‘em have it.
I'm sorry. You were saying? tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:06 am | #
And some attach names to them.
And some hide behind very transparent pseudonyms. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:06 am | #
So you know my real name, "TBogg."
Do we know yours? Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:07 am | #
What Patterico is saying is that he found out my real name and he wants to out me but he wants to have plausible deniability and claim, "Well, it was just out there on the internet."
Which it is. But he has a shred of conscience that he is currently wrestling with wondering how other bloggers will feel about him afterwards, particularly when he has left a virtual trail of thought regarding anonymity. tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:23 am | #
I think you could be less of an asshole. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:25 am | #
You're really finding it hard to take that big step aren't you? tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:29 am | #
I'm not outing you, tbogg. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:29 am | #
But you should reconsider what makes you proud. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:30 am | #
Does what Ms. Malkin said make you proud? OCBruce | 08.03.06 - 3:32 am | #
You know you just did. How very passive-aggressive of you... tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:38 am | #
You seem to think there's a big step to take.
I'm not taking it.
But I think you're a gutless coward for hiding behind your little pseudonym.
Whatever floats your boat, dude . . . Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:40 am | # and finally:
Jesus, Patterico. I've written about my family, people linked to my dad's obituary, I've identified my daughter's school, everyone knows her name since she's been in the papers, my picture is out there, and my name also if you look hard enough.
It's not exactly a state secret.
It just takes someone who wants a petty high school revenge. You're just the first one to take that first step.
Congratulations. It feels icky doesn't it? tbogg | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:48 am | #
Not at all.
In fact, I'm not outing you at all. I said quite clearly that I'm not.
But it sounds like you have done it yourself -- or you want to. Maybe you'll be a more responsible commenter as a result.
I doubt it. But it would be nice. Patterico | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:52 am | # And, see, it's all about Patterico teaching me "responsibility" by playing the "nice blog you got here, be a shame of I outed you as if that had anything to do with anything", or as a man once said:After all, I’m obviously not objecting to use of pseudonyms by bloggers and blog commenters. How could I be? I mean, you’re reading a post by someone who calls himself “Patterico.” And, while I made the decision to make my real name public long ago (it’s Patrick Frey), many of my commenters use pseudonyms. So what’s the big deal? Which is, apparently, no longer operative; situational ethics and all that. Of course, Patterico knew exactly what he was doing, he just wanted to be able to wash his hands of it.
My name is Tom Boggioni.
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name.