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  • Thursday, August 03, 2006


    From terrorist raids to panty raids...it's comedy tonight

    Somewhere tonight Christine Amanpour sleeps soundly, safe in the knowledge that her job is secure from the Dixie Leonard of Patchogue as she visits the boys on the front and asks the burning question: "If you wanna switch beds, if you wanna be with a friend in another tent, can you do that...?"

    I. Swear. To. G-d.

    You see it's just like Summer Terrorist Killing Camp in the Poconos! Breakfast... capture the flag... computer skills (nerds only)... lunch.... invasion....apologize to world for blowing up rival kids camp...invade some more... dinner...S'mores.

    Anyway, Pam tells us:

    I spent the morning on the Gaza border with the IDF. Watch the VLOG below. These guys are genuine, warm, funny. Very funny, considering.. The conditions they live under are brutal-- the oppressive heat, the bare amenities, intermittant gunfire, homemade rockets slamming into Israel, and yet they maintain a light, easy outlook on the world. They know who they are and why they are there. They sleep on hard cots out in open air tents, heat surrounds them (think Iraq but no barracks) and the cycle of constant fire from the homemade rockets lobbed by the Philisitines out of Gaza with increasing regularity, but mostly at night, makes real sleep elusive. Gaza is very difficult. The terrorists in Gaza launch their homemade rockets from homes and residential areas. The IDF, always avoiding civilians at all cost, will, return cannon fire and hit those launching sites during the day. I experienced a round of cannon fire.

    While we were listening to Deputy Commander Erez Katz you will hear the sound of cannon fire. Please listen to this audio download. It gives you an inside look into the challenge of a military commander fighting an unscrupulous enemy.When you listen to the deputy Commander of the two Gaza Divisions, a man I had a deep affection for, you will hear the sound of cannon fire in the background.

    Okay...cannon fire.


    An extraordinary man is running these divisions. He was so tough, so smart............so human. In discussing Gilad Shalit, you could see him become overwhelmed with sadness still feeling it was his duty to protect his soldiers. Ultimatel, his responsiblity. But he could not know that the Philisitines had developed a new "strategy"...............digging for months with their claws, like rats, into Israeli territory past the tanks and trucks, to make their pact with evil and kidnap Shalit. I really respected this guy. He had it all. And in all of his detailed explanations of operations, he was deliberate and exact, depsite his rather poor English. But these are the men that win wars. Bright, strategic, empathetic, warm, exacting, logical......... a great leader. The Philistines have beheaders.

    While we were listening to this Deputy Commander Erez Katz you will hear the sound of cannon fire. Listen to this audio download. It gives you an inside look into the challenge of a military commander fighting an unscrupulous enemy.When you listen to the Deputy Commander of the two Gaza Divisions, a man I had a deep affection for, you will hear the sound of cannon fire in the background.

    Okay. We got it Cannon fire. Lots and lots of cannon fire. Enough with the cannon fire.

    Of course earlier she said:
    Nsarallah is vicious but he is smart. He has declared war on the civilians in Israel. He has not attacked the army, This is a war against the civilians. Over 230 rockets fired at Israel on Wednesday, has the world gone fucking mad? Call the President and tell him to leave Israel alone. A ceasefire is a hudna. Would we have adhered to a ceasefire after Pearl Harbor, 9/11 or the invasion of Normandy?
    This is a war on civilians. Homes, hospitals, schools....... It is madness. These Iranian foreign legions are not fighting Israel's army. They are attacking the people of a sovereign nation.
    Which might explain why all of the IDF soldiers seem to be pretty loose, joking around and wondering when the crazy American stripper is going to start the show.

    Thank G-d it wasn't Parents Day at Camp Gaza .

    That would have been awkward.

    Okay. More awkward.


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