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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Nick and Nora Charles for dullards
Sure she's a trophy wife. Just not a "first-place finish" trophy wife.
Kellyanne Conway comes forward and smooths over any conservative feathers that her charmless and chinless husband might have ruffled with a post at NRO.
Here is George:
I'm disgruntled, too, and I'm going to get it all of my chest this morning: I've never voted for a Democrat in a general election in my life, and I don't expect to anytime soon, but it's been impossible for me over the past couple of years to get enthused about the Republican party. I voted for President Bush twice, and contributed to his campaign twice, but held my nose when I did it the second time. I don't consider myself a Republican any longer. Thanks to this Administration and the Republicans in Congress, the Republican Party today is the party of pork-barrel spending, Congressional corruption — and, I know folks on this web site don't want to hear it, but deep down they know it's true — foreign and military policy incompetence. Frankly, speaking of incompetence, I think this Administration is the most politically and substantively inept that the nation has had in over a quarter of a century. The good news about it, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost over. Now we learn that Kellyanne stepped in and kept George from becoming, hmmmm, what's the word? Oh yes. "Unhinged".Before he posted yesterday, I suggested to George that he remove the second from final sentence, the one in which he claimed that this was "the most incompetent Administration in 25 years." That is harsh and somewhat hyperbolic in my view, and gives a pass to the 8 years of Bill Clinton which was a time of relative peace and prosperity that still had its share of foreign policy blunders and domestic boondoogles. Yes. Damn! that inadvertent peace and prosperity during the Reign of the Clenis. It was objectively worse than these past six years.
Later Kellyanne compares herself to Bree Van De Kamp on Desperate Housewives:When pondering why George, a fairly even-tempered fellow, feels so strongly, I am reminded of a line by Bree Van De Kamp, the fastidious perfectionist widow on ABC's Desperate Housewives who recently has battled a fondness for Chardonnay and a rebellious teenage son. When said son lashes out in a recent episode and says to his mother, "I hate you," Bree (whose portrayer, Marcia Cross, graduated from Marlborough High School in Massachusetts with George) seems relieved. "The opposite of love isn't hate," Bree says, "it's indifference. And if you hate me, that means you still care, and we're still connected . . . ." I'm going to take the high road and suggest that this as a veiled warning to George to watch his mouth lest he wind up like the late Mr. Van De Camp. To take the low road would be to see Kellyanne in the role of Bree and George as her son Andrew and that's just a little too Oedipal for our tastes.
For more on Kellyanne and George and what they did during the Clinton years, see here and don't forget to take in the Conways at home here.