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Sunday, April 09, 2006
The ghost of Abner Snopes rides these dusty backroads
 Scary monsters. Super freaks 
Welllll.... I wrote a little post over at Firedoglake last night and it would seem that the object of my inspection has his white robe in a bunch and has a few issues with what I wrote. In particular, I mistakenly attributed comments from Michael Hill, president of the League of the South to Mr. McCain, and for that I am truly sorry. I wouldn't want anyone to confuse the soft fluffy rainbows-n-unicorn bigotry of Mr. McCain with the Full Metal Jacket race-hate of Mr. Hill.
Having said all that, I did find these comments at Mr. McCain's Donkey Cons blog (where he is flogging his book, Donkey Cons - Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party) amusing:
5. Have you ordered your copy of DONKEY CONS, TBogg? If so, I urge you to look at the epigraph on Page One and consider what it might mean. Don't you see that I have carefully watched you guys for years, studying your methods? Don't you understand that your every move has been anticipated, and that every preparation has been made to prevent your efforts? It's all right there in the epigraph, something of a prophecy. However much you and I may disagree about various issues, I am neither stupid nor ignorant, and your friends have been telegraphing their plans for weeks. But, as I said earlier, you liberals think you know everything and are always shocked by the unintended consequences that turn your plans for victory into a blueprint for defeat.
More than anything else, TBogg, you have made the ultimate blunder of military strategy: You don't know your enemy. I'm not talking about myself -- though you obviously don't know me from Adam's housecat. No, I am talking about those far more powerful than I, those who have long watched how you and your left-wing friends spread enmity and hatred in the world. I have diligently sought their aid, and trust in their promised assistance, should it be needed.
As I said at the outset of this post, I'll delete it when I know that it has accomplished its intended purpose.
TBogg, I don't know you personally, but I mean you no harm. I don't hate you, don't hate Duncan, don't hate Signorile, don't hate Heidi. I don't hate the player, I hate the game. I'd rather not play the game, but if I have to play, I'll play to win.
You have been warned. Once.
What is it with these soft-white homunculi and their recycled threats from the past? First it was axe-handles in Vegas, and now I've got Jebediah and Booger headed to town to burn a cross on my lawn (since I don't have a barn to burn) if'n the truck don' break down in Arizony.
Just keep it away from the hibiscus, guys. It's blooming really nice this year.
(Photo courtesy of Charles Moore , documenter of our Southern heritage.)