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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
15 seconds that shook the world
 Shops at Gap for Dorks 
Can we please pitch in and get Brent Baker a real job, a hobby, or a girlfriend? Okay, the 'girlfriend' thing is asking a lot, but Brent has really gone off the deep end in his neverending quest for something on TV that offends him and hopefully his boss, Brent Bozell (who has an even lower threshold). Here is Brent's NewsBuster Bust of the Day. You better sit down. Maybe even go pee first.:On Monday, for the second straight weekday, Access Hollywood's New York correspondent, Tim Vincent, a veteran of the BBC, sported a hammer and sickle T-shirt as he introduced a story. Just as on Friday's show, as documented in an April 15 NewsBusters item, though he wore a jacket over the red shirt with the symbol of the regime which murdered tens of millions and oppressed hundreds of millions more for decades, a gold hammer and sickle was clearly visible inside a gold-outlined red star which, sans the hammer and sickle, would match the Soviet's Red Army emblem. On Friday's edition of the half-hour entertainment news program produced by NBC and aired on all NBC-owned stations (as well as other stations across the country), viewers saw Vincent in the shirt as he led into a preview of the American Dreamz movie. On Monday, viewers couldn't avoid him in the shirt as co-host Nancy O'Dell set him up and he introduced a piece on his role as an extra in an upcoming Nicole Kidman film.
Given Vincent's identical attire and the same background of Rockefeller Plaza, NBC's headquarters, I'd presume both segments were taped at the same time last week. And just to prove that Vincent wore the SAME GODDAMED SHIRT the day before (proving that nothing, and I mean nothing, slips by Eagle-Eye Brent) here is his first report on the commie-symp entertainment reporter:
Tim Vincent, the Britain-born New York correspondent for Access Hollywood, sported a hammer and sickle T-shirt on Friday's show as he stood in front of NBC's Rockefeller Plaza complex and introduced a piece on American Dreamz, the movie takeoff of American Idol. Though he wore a jacket over the red shirt with the symbol of the regime which murdered tens of millions and oppressed hundreds of millions more for decades, a gold hammer and sickle was clearly visible inside a red star. The gold-outlined red star, sans the hammer and sickle, matches the Soviet's Red Army emblem. Son-of-a-bitch! It's almost like Vincent is intentionally wearing a t-shirt that will make the drooling goobers who watch Access Hollywood ask themselves, "That shirt. It makes me think that all previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority. The proletariat, the lowest stratum of our present society, cannot stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole superincumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air. And if we seize the means of production ---oooo, Vince Vaughan might be stepping out on Jennifer, tell me more!"
Brent then writes, needlessly I might add:I don't get it. Is this some kind of cool statement with thirtysomethings, elite New Yorkers or Brits? Or is it just part of some promotion for an upcoming movie? Imagine the proper outrage that would explode if he had worn a Nazi swastika. I put "hammer and sickle t-shirt" into the Copernic search engine and though I did not find the exact shirt adorned by Vincent, I was shocked to find a couple of dozen sites which sell hammer and sickle T-shirts -- and mugs too. Get The Fuck Out Of Here.
A cool fashion statement and Brent doesn't get it? You could knock me over with a feather boa.