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Monday, February 27, 2006
Everyone's gone to the movies, now we're alone at last...
 You know. That guy that was in that movie about that thing? You know... 
Jason Apuzzo takes a break from reviewing movies he hasn't seen to offer commentary on the host of a show that he probably won't watch:
Finally there was this most recent podcast from the LA Times guys dealing with whether Jon Stewart’s hosting of the Oscars will be a disaster or not. Personally, I think it will be - for any number of reasons. Basically the Academy has lost confidence in its own product these days, and so they’re grasping for ways to remain ‘relevant’ - and this, basically, is what motived the selection of Jon Stewart. The problems with Stewart are many; a) he isn’t actually funny, merely nasty; b) he has nothing to do with the industry; c) he will tend to accentuate the political side of this year’s films, which will inevitably turn people off; d) Stewart really only has a niche following in the first place, chiefly among media people.
So this, basically, is your Oscar host for 2007. Patrick’s right - it may not be long before the Oscars are telecast on the USA Network, or maybe HBO (how about the WB?) … and the era of Hollywood’s New Triviality is upon us.
Of dear, he's still pushing the New Triviality argument that has gone to the same fleabag motel as his career. Guess he shouldn't have had those "Ask me about the New Triviality" tote bags made up, Just. Quite. Yet.
Anyway, we learn that Jason doesn't think that Stewart is "funny" He's just "nasty". Okay, There is no accounting for taste, but we will point out that Apuzzo seems to have a fanboy grudge against the Academy because Revenge of the Sith didn't sweep the nominations. You may use this as your base line for "taste". It's way too easy for us.
Next up, Stewart "has nothing to do with the industry". We will disregard the fact that it was the "industry" that chose him to host the show (it wasn't like he was standing in a deli line and his number came up) so they ,must think he brings something to the table. But,now that you mention it, when it comes to involvement with the industry, you can, as they say, look it up.
Here is Stewart's cinema vitae . Hmmm Big Daddy, The Faculty, Playing By Heart and a bunch of bit parts here and there.
Here's is the Hollywood career of Jason Apuzzo. Based upon Jason's career as a film critic (working almost exclusively from trailers) I think it might be safe to say that Stewart has been in more movies than Apuzzo has seen.
Next up, Stewart will accentuate the "political side" of the movies. I assume that means that he doesn't think that Stewart will say enough nice things about Joe McCarthy. I used to think that was one of BillY Crystal's biggest flaws as a host. Not enough shout-outs for the black list...
Finally, Stewart has a "niche following", y'know the media. I see that back during the 2004 election, following the Presidential debates, The Daily Show had an estimated 2.4 million viewers, presumably all creatures from the MSM lagoon. And I guess they found some other people who like Stewart:
TV's anti-Walter Cronkite will be dispensing (with) the news for a while longer.
Jon Stewart, the star of Comedy Central's Emmy-winning, headline-skewering The Daily Show, has agreed to a four-year contract extension that will keep him anchoring the mock newscast through the 2008 presidential race, the cable network announced Friday.
"A lot of people like to get out when their show's still going well," Stewart said in a statement. "This gives me the opportunity to beat this thing into the ground."
Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but it's expected the 41-year-old funnyman will see a raise over the his current estimated $1.5 million a year. His contract had been due to run out at the end of this year.
Stewart took over the anchor desk in January 1999 from original host Craig Kilborn, who had been with the program since it debuted in 1996 before leaving to host NBC's Late Night. While cracking wise at the day's big headlines, poking fun at the broadcast media and spoofing politicians, Stewart's razor-sharp wit and his crew of snarky "correspondents" have garnered The Daily Show its biggest audiences ever.
Airing in the 11 p.m. time slot, the fake news show has averaged about 1 million viewers per episode this season, surpassing the total number of viewers, including in the key adults 18-49 demo, tuning in to see real cable networks like CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. Its Nielsen stats have also made The Daily Show a favorite among advertisers.
Stewart, who serves as executive producer and head writer, has also helped The Daily Show to critical acclaim, winning a Peabody Award and three Emmys, including one last year for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series.
Given the freedom and the platform Comedy Central execs have provided him--not to mention the new raise--it's no surprise Stewart's sticking with The Daily Show instead of following Kilborn out the door.
Before joining The Daily Show, Stewart emceed the syndicated Jon Stewart Show, which originally aired on MTV, and was a fill-in host for The Late Late Show with Tom Snyder.
He hosted the 2002 Grammy Awards and has also tried his hand at acting. Aside from a recurring role as Garry Shandling's scheming successor on HBO's The Larry Sanders Show, Stewart has appeared on the big screen in such flicks as The First Wives Club, Playing by Heart, Death to Smoochy, Big Daddy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Wow. Look at that! Even E-online has heard of Stewart.
Not that Jason doesn't hang out with the toast of Hollywood. Yes, that really is Craig Titley, who wrote the story line for Scooby Doo. Hanging out with him must be like having brunch with God.