Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Taking the 'con' out of consequences
 Failing upward 
Jordan is a serious country:
Eleven officials in Jordan's royal court were fired Tuesday by King Abdullah II, Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Muasher said.
Among them was the country's national security adviser, Muasher said.
The reshuffling came less than a week after suicide bombings at three Amman hotels killed 60 people, including three bombers.
The attacks placed Jordan's security services under increased scrutiny, but it was not clear if the firings were directly connected to the attacks.
There had been speculation for months that some members of the royal court would be dismissed, but the scope of the reshuffling was unprecedented.
60 people died in Jordan and Saad Kheir gets shown the door.
3000 people died on 9/11 and Condi gets promoted and goes shopping for shoes.
Interesting, don't you think?