Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Gonna rinse that wishy-washy right out of my hair...
It's good to see that Judge Roberts has gotten over his vacillating and fear of preconceptions and is letting everyone know where he stands:
Newly installed Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday sharply questioned a lawyer arguing to preserve Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, noting the federal government’s tough regulation of addictive drugs.
The 50-year-old Roberts, hearing his first major oral argument since succeeding William H. Rehnquist at the helm of the court, seemed skeptical of the Oregon law.
At the outset, Roberts laid a barrage of questions on Oregon Senior Assistant Attorney General Robert Atkinson before he could finish his first sentence.
Roberts asked whether such state laws would undermine the effectiveness and uniformity of the federal Controlled Substances Act, as the Bush administration argues.
Looks like someone is going to get his Bush kibble this evening.
Good boy! Good boy!