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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hey, baby, it's the Fourth of July...almost
 In lieu of Friday Random Ten... 
A sampling of 4th of July lyrics from Mariah to Aimee to Bruce to Ani to the great Dave Alvin
It was twilight On the Fourth of July Sparkling colors were Strewn across the sky And we sat close enough That we just barely touched While roman candles Went soaring above us and baby
Fourth of July – Mariah Carey
Shower in the dark day Clean sparks driving down Cool in the waterway Where the baptized drown Naked in the cold sun Breathing life like fire Thought I was the only one But that was just a lie
Cause I heard it in the wind And I saw it in the sky And I thought it was the end And I thought it was the 4th of July
Fourth of July – Soundgarden
Well she hated the 4th of july Bombs bursting in air, and she’d never know why She’d keep me up all night, too terrified to cry Oh yes, she hated 4th of July
Don’t you be scared, don’t you start to shake Go back to sleep because I am wide awake I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere tonight Feel my hand, I’m gonna hold you till the early light
4th of July – Blues Traveler
Today’s the fourth of July Another June has gone by And when they light up our town I just think What a waste of gunpowder and sky I’m certain that I am alone In harbouring thoughts of our home It’s one of my faults that I can’t quell my past I ought to have gotten it gone
Oh, baby, I wonder - If when you are older - Someday- You’ll wake up And say, ’my god, I should have told her - What would it take? But now here I am and the world’s gotten colder And she’s got the river down which I sold her.’
Fourth of July – Aimee Mann
She's waiting for me when I get home from work But things just ain't the same She turns out the light and cries in the dark Won't answer when I call her name On the stairs I smoke a cigarette alone The Mexican kids are shooting fireworks below Hey, baby, it's the Fourth of July Hey, baby, it's the Fourth of July
She gives me her cheek when I want her lips And I don't have the strength to go On the lost side of town in a dark apartment We gave up trying so long ago
Whatever happened, I apologize So dry your tears and baby, walk outside It's the Fourth of July
Fourth of July – Dave Alvin
Sandy the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight Forcin' a light into all those stoned-out faces left stranded on this Fourth of July Down in town the circuit's full with switchblade lovers so fast so shiny so sharp As the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers along the shore Chasin' all them silly New York girls
Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us The pier lights our carnival life forever Love me tonight for I may never see you again Hey Sandy girl
4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) – Bruce Springsteen
Shall I tell it again how we started as friends Who would run into one another now and again At the Yippee Cai O or the Mesa Dupree Or a dozen different everyday places to be I was loping along living alone We were ever so brave on the telephone Would you care to come down for fireworks time We could each just reach We step out of line And the smell of the smoke and the lay of the land and the feeling of finding one's heart in one's hand and the tiny tin voice of the radio band singing love must stand Love forever and ever must stand Unbelievable you, impossible me The fool who fell out of the family tree The fellow that found the philosopher's stone Deep underground like a dinosaur bone Who fell into you at a quarter to two With a tear in your eye for the Fourth of July
On the Fourth of July - James Taylor
you gotta have the right tools for every job so I invite myself in through a hole in the fence I am tripping through the junkyard scanning over the piles the thin cats raise their skin in defense I know he's watching me I can see him through the cracks his eyes are small and shy on my back he says his name is Jason he lives in the last trailer on the right and he'll be seven on the fourth of July
only the people who live here know the name of this place my path through Iowa would be hard to trace all the adults in this town try not to frown when I walk by but Jason smiled at me he met my eye
he don't ask me where I'm from or why I came here alone we all go looking for paradise then we go back home we cut out the small talk go right to the way things are he showed me his squirrel skull I told him I locked myself out of my car
so there goes the only friend I have in Iowa his hand flapping behind him waving good-bye his name is Jason he lives in the last trailer on the right and he'll be seven on the fourth of July
Fourth of July – Ani DiFranco
I'm sure I missed a few. Drop me a line and I'll add them, but none of them can hold a roman candle to Alvin's as done by either him or John Doe with X.
Added: Click on comments (the time stamp) to see some other great additions.