Sunday, September 12, 2004
Biff! Bam! Boom!
From the comic-book world of Matt Drudge:
Faster than a CBS eye can blink, dogged Dems are set to take to the airwaves anew hoping to keep questions about President Bush's National Guard duty in play, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Candidate Kerry apparently has rejected former President Clinton's advice not to get further locked in a 2004 Vietnam quagmire.
"George W. Bush's campaign literature claimed that he 'served in the U.S. Air Force.' The only problem? He didn't," slams a new DNC press release set for distribution.
"George Bush has a clear pattern of lying about his military service," DNC Communications Director Jano Cabrera blasts in the new release.
'More to come...", the internet cyber-gossip later crapped...