Tuesday, October 28, 2003
I will try not to breathe
We're okay. ...but San Diego is sure messed up.
I'm at work and we're a few miles from the Scripps Ranch fire and the smoke is still pretty bad. We're allowing any employee who wants to go home that option, and some of the people who want to stay are sitting at their desks wearing masks. Visibility from my office window (corner office...I rock) is about a half mile, with the air a dirty grey-brown.
We have confirmed that my daughter's best friend and her family lost their house. Their whole street is gone except for one house. Oh, and since it has become a big discussion over at Atrios, their roof was composite, not shake. The fire was unimpressed.
I'll be back later today.
Meanwhile (because the world is still turning) read this about crime in the Bush era, and this about gay rights and this because we need something to laugh at today.