Thursday, October 23, 2003
I took the I 95 down to Pensacola
All I found was a bunch of holyrollers
They don't know nothing 'bout saving me
It seems that we're losing control of our lives. You've got unqualified men telling women and their doctors what medical procedures they will allow, and you got busybody "do-gooders" and opportunistic politicians inserting themselves into the private lives of married couples. The same groups that decry the "nanny state" want to set up base-camp in our pants and in our doctors offices. The same man that doesn't want the government to know how many guns he has in his closet wants to know what is going on behind your bedroom door.
Given the choice, I'll take an adulterous Democrat over a theocrat any day, thank you very much. At least you know who they're trying to screw.