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Friday, August 15, 2003
Talkin' about fair and balanced
Jay Bookman of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution was refreshingly blunt in a recent live talk. Here's some of the better snippets:
Question from Decatur, GA: Fair and balanced! Fair and balanced! Fair and balanced!
Bring it on, Fox! I dare ya, ya scurvy dogs! Jay - do I qualify for a life-time membership in the Republican Party, now?
Jay Bookman: No. You also have to think that Ann Coulter is an astute political analyst
Question from Decatur, GA: Not only is it telling that Fox went all whiny-baby on this, but look at their legal team. Lead counsel Dori Ann Hanswirth also represents the tabloids "Star" and "National Enquirer". Well, at least she's familiar with the type of "journalism" espoused by her client. Her firm, Hogan & Hartson, is one of the top-grossing D.C. lobbying practices. I thought O'Reilly looked down his nose on those outfits. Ah well, I guess it's not hypocrisy if you're a conservative.
Jay Bookman: Yes it is too.
In the mythology of the right, only whiny liberals would hire a trial lawyer and go running to the courts every time somebody looks at them funny. Well, I guess that makes O'Reilly and Fox liberal. Could have fooled me, though.
Question from Tulsa, OK: I saw the C-SPAN coverage of the Franken/O'Reilly rasslin' event. Alas, as opposed to the "fair and balanced" practices at Fox, C-SPAN does not let one debater hit the kill switch on the other debater's microphone. O'Reilly, stripped of his primary debating tool, didn't know what to do and had to resort to screaming "Shut up! Shut up!" at Franken. What a wuss.
Jay Bookman: Yup, the bully was stripped of his weapon, and the results weren't pretty. (Actually, I take that back. It was beautiful.)
Question from Atlanta, GA: Any time free speech is stomped on, especially under this administration, it is noteworthy; particularly since the FCC recently changed the media ownership rules to favor major players such as Fox News. I especially enjoyed the comment, "It's almost as if the DNA for big mouths and thin skins were on the same gene." These days third parties can usurp one's personal DNA and patent it for commercial development. We all need to be wary of corporate claims of ownership.
Speaking of Fox favorite Ann Coulter, isn't she the one who wrote that liberals should be shot?
Jay Bookman: She said something to that effect, yes. I think I ran into Ann while I was on vacation. The body shape was the same, but she had a rattle on one end and fangs on the other.
Question from Atlanta, Ga: Now I know that I probably disagree with you on most any topic..."she had a rattle on one end and fangs on the other"..I don't even know the woman well enough to form an opinion, but I'll add you to the CCN pit bull crowd.
Jay Bookman: Coulter's new book, "Treason," argues that every liberal by definition is a traitor to this country. Sorry, I take that personally. Where she's concerned, I'll play by the rules that she sets. Read it for yourself, or try to, and if you still think I'm over the top, let me know.
Thanks to Tim for the link