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  • Monday, June 09, 2003


    Obsession...by Bossie.

    David Bossie is a real piece of work. A loon and a liar who was so over the top that he was fired by Dan Burton (R-Watermelon Man) at the height of Clenis™ fever. So that makes him the perfect person to talk about Hillary Clinton's book...even though he hasn't read it. Here's Bossie getting his ass handed to him by Joe Lockhart:

    BOSSIE: And I agree with that. However, I it's important that she really doesn't tell a lot of those things. Joe, I was actually looking at the index, looking at the book for about an hour. And it really is shocking to me, the omissions, the -- Kathleen Willey, the entire saga of Kathleen Willey, not covered in the book that I could tell.

    WOODURFF(sic): This is the woman who accused the president of...

    BOSSIE: Absolutely. A vital part of the Monica Lewinsky case, if you will. The behind the scenes activity at the White House. One of the things I was actually looking for, which is what we were doing at the White House while we were over in the House or in the Senate, investigating them, the kind of behind the scenes action was not there as well.

    WOODRUFF: Joe, why wouldn't this turn out to be just another -- another polarizing aspect of the life of Hillary and Bill Clinton?

    LOCKHART: Because all the people who have made their lives and their careers going after the Clintons don't have a say here. This is her say. This is her telling the story. And I'm not surprised that anyone's shocked by the omissions.

    I'm shocked by the fact that people still won't stand up today and say, you know, we took a look at everything. We looked under every rock and we found nothing.

    BOSSIE: That's because that's not true, unfortunately.

    LOCKHART: Well, we can debate this all we want, but a lot of people who have less of a partisan bent than you looked at this, they found nothing. The RTC found nothing. And people need to -- particularly in the media, who are supposed to be impartial, should read this book, look at it and stand up and say, you know, we made a mistake. We went after this too hard, we fell for the leaks, we fell for the falsehoods that were out there, and we're going to do better next time.

    BOSSIE: Hillary in this book is trying to make "The New York Times" and ABC and CNN news part of that vast right-wing conspiracy that she talked about with Matt Lauer those many years ago. And it's just not accurate.

    Good reporters do their research. And they know what documents say, and that's really what Hillary Clinton's problem is. Look, she didn't cover the White Water billing records well enough, she didn't cover a lot of issues directly related to White Water.

    LOCKHART: See I think your committee in particular, if you'd been straight with the American people, we would have all been a lot better off, but we got selective leaks, we had doctored audiotapes from Web Hubbell. So please, a lecture from you on honesty here is a little rich.

    BOSSIE: Oh, Joe. Let me tell you, any type of honesty coming from the Clintons is a stretch.

    LOCKHART: Let's talk about this. There's something in the book here. Give me your boss' justification for doing what he did to the Foster family? Going in the backyard and shooting a watermelon.

    He made a joke of Congress, a joke of the system. We all know that. This is her time to tell her story without the ridiculous and absurdity that came from over here.

    BOSSIE: Joe, totally, I agree with you that there were some things that were out of bounds. But the facts are what they are, and that's the problem.

    LOCKHART: The facts are what they are. The RTC looked at it and they said there was nothing wrong with White Water. The independent...

    BOSSIE: It's the same old spin.

    LOCKHART: It's not spin. It's a fact. Read it. The independent counsel came out and said there was nothing there.

    BOSSIE: Joe, read the independent counsel's report.

    LOCKHART: I have. I have. And you know what?

    BOSSIE: You haven't.

    LOCKHART: I was interviewed by the independent counsel for that, so...

    WOODRUFF: These are fights that won't die. Haven't died and won't die.

    LOCKHART: They will die now because we've got -- Hillary's had her chance to put her side of the story out. And you know what? There's a lot of people saying, what did we get so worked out about?

    WOODRUFF: And you're saying that puts it to rest.

    LOCKHART: Sure.

    WOODRUFF: And you're saying it doesn't.

    BOSSIE: Because people like myself are going to go through this book and find the factual errors, find the lies, and are going to...

    LOCKHART: My advice for people like you is get a life. Get a life.

    BOSSIE: I wish Hillary Clinton would.

    LOCKHART: She has. She has. And she's focused on this; she's focused on the future.

    BOSSIE: She's focused on $8 million, making a lot of money.

    LOCKHART: Sure. But you all need to get over it.

    How bad was David Bossie during his tenure with the Burton Commitee? He even embarassed Newt Gingrich:

    The editing and release of the Hubbell tapes, subpoenaed by the committee last year, was described by one insider as a "Dave Bossie project," opposed by the panel's chief counsel and other committee staffers but ultimately approved by Burton.

    In meetings this week, Gingrich and other leaders have voiced their concerns over Burton's staff. While Burton defended his senior investigator publicly and said Bossie was leaving of his own accord, Gingrich told the conference yesterday that Bossie, who had survived repeated previous attempts, had been fired.

    The speaker also emphasized repeatedly in private conversations with his colleagues that the GOP must professionalize its investigations of the executive branch and turn public attention back on misdeeds of the Clinton White House. Gingrich pointedly criticized the release of the tapes while Burton continued to defend his own conduct and that of his staff.

    This contrast was evident during the GOP's closed conference meeting yesterday, when Gingrich apologized to his colleagues for how staffers distributed the tapes on Friday. When Burton shot back that he was not embarrassed, according to members who attended the meeting, Gingrich responded, "Then I'm embarrassed for you, I'm embarrassed for myself, and I'm embarrassed for the conference at the circus that went on at your committee."

    The most controversial editing involved the deletion of a statement by Hubbell that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton had "no idea" of billing irregularities at the Rose Law Firm where they both worked. Also deleted was an assertion by Hubbell that he was not being paid hush money to keep him from cooperating with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's Whitewater investigation.

    ...and here's Columbia Journalism Review's take on how Bossie's Citizens United used and abused the So Called Liberal Media (SCLM):

    Back in October, ClintonWatch exhorted the Washington news media to "end their endless babbling about Camelot and get down to the business of investigating the legal, ethical, and moral shortcomings of the Clinton administration."

    Whitewater is about character, publisher Fran Shane tells me. "The American people have elected a president with 43 percent of the vote. He is a man of no character. He may have to tell the people he didn't come clean. We're saying Bill Clinton may not be worth saving."

    Joe Lockhart is right. The media have some apologizing to do...to all of us.

    posted by tbogg at 11:55 PM



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