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  • Thursday, May 29, 2003


    America's latest Christian Martyr

    She's Rachel Honer and she wants to sing "He's Always Been Faithful" at her high school graduation. Lyrics:

    Morning by morning I wake up to find the power and comfort of God's hand in mine.
    Season by season I watch him amazed, in awe of the mystery of his perfect ways. .
    Chorus: All I have need of his hand will provide. He's always been faithful to me. .
    I can't remember a trial or a pain he did not recycle to bring me gain.
    I can't remember one single regret in serving God only and trusting his hand. .
    Chorus .
    This is my anthem, this is my song, the theme of the stories I've heard for so long.
    God has been faithful, he will be again. His loving compassion, it knows no end. .

    Since the school would like her to substitute He or Him for God she's filing what Conservatives are quick to call (except in her case), a "frivolous" lawsuit.

    The lawsuit, now assigned to the court's Green Bay division, contends that the school district violated Honer's constitutional rights to equal protection, free speech and free expression of religion. It seeks an injunction that thedistrict "cease its discriminatory and unconstitutional policy or practice of censoring students from expressing their religious beliefs in their speeches, songs or performances at graduation exercises."

    Debra Honer said Wednesday she agreed with her daughter that they couldn't ignore the incident at the Winnebago County public school.

    "I am incredibly proud that she has taken a stand and not backed down. God is number one in her life, so how could she talk about anything else?"

    Honer, 18, could not be reached for comment because she is training for volunteer work at a Christian summer camp, her mother said.

    Now what this song has to do with a high school graduation or her fellow students who have to suffer through it's moon/june lyric structure isn't explained, but Ms. Honer has decided to take their moment and turn it into his moment because he is "number one" in her life. You have to wonder how she would feel if one of the other students had been selected to sing and chose this:

    (Note: I changed the song this morning 5/30, because someone jogged my memory)

    Cain slew Abel Seth knew not why
    For if the children of Israel were to multiply
    Why must any of the children die?
    So he asked the Lord
    And the Lord said:

    "Man means nothing he means less to me
    than the lowiliest cactus flower
    or the humblest yucca tree
    he chases round this desert
    cause he thinks that's where i'll be
    that's why i love mankind

    I recoil in horror from the foulness of thee
    from the squalor and the filth and the misery
    How we laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you offer me
    That's why i love mankind"

    The Christians and the Jews were having a jamboree
    The Buddhists and the Hindus joined on satellite TV
    They picked their four greatest priests
    And they began to speak
    They said "Lord the plague is on the world
    Lord no man is free
    The temples that we built to you
    Have tumbled into the sea
    Lord, if you won't take care of us
    Won't you please please let us be?"

    And the Lord said
    And the Lord said

    "I burn down your cities--how blind you must be
    I take from you your children and you say how blessed are we
    You must all be crazy to put your faith in me
    That's why i love mankind
    You really need me
    That's why i love mankind"
    God's Song -Randy Newman

    I imagine she would be okay with that. I mean fair is fair, isn't it?

    ...and by the way:

    I can't remember a trial or a pain he did not recycle to bring me gain

    may be the worst lyric ever written with the exception of

    "Girl, you're a hot-blooded woman-child And it's warm where you're touchin' me" .

    posted by tbogg at 2:11 PM



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