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Saturday, March 29, 2003
Andy's Cult of Personality newsletter
EMAIL OF THE DAY: Some political predictions:
Once again the media -which is almost genetically anti-Bush- has whipped itself into hysteria fueled by the hope that he will fail. I believe their hatred of him is the motivator and they are indulging in a kind of optimism that this will be his Waterloo. The most obvious comparison is of course Modo and Afghanistan.
But my point is that the more they screech that we are losing, the GREATER the glory of victory.
They are walking into a political trap of their own making. I believe they are about to make utter fools of themselves one more time. On some level, a substantial portion of the public senses this, "gets it" and in the end, this will only enhance Bush. They will be doing him a political favor.
Any politician's career is hardly an important thing compared to the outcome of a war. Bush knows this. He does not care that he is risking all on this. His ultimate goal is life is not political, that is secondary. He has a deeper aspect to him that Clinton -a more "intelligent" president- never had. For Clinton, political victory is the epicenter of the universe. For Bush in this particular, protecting the country is.
Once again, the second guessers have underestimated Bush, this time by underestimating temporarily our military.
Without the war, George W Bush, the Steely Eyed Rocket Man is George W Bush the One Termer Just Like His Dad.
Sully also takes a potshot at a real journalist, RW Apple while he's at it:
IT'S A QUAGMIRE! Johnny Apple, fresh from a couple of bottles of the best Chardonnay, uncorks a memorable vintage of his: the "This-War-Is-Vietnam" thumbsucker, brought to the table in every conflict, undeterred by its catastrophic record in the past. Actually, there's something vaguely comforting about this kind of piece. Like a rite of spring, it blossoms early in every recent conflict, a slightly different exhausted metaphor each time - in 2003, in the desert, it's "quicksand" - a gentle reassurance that the people who have always got it wrong are saying the same thing yet again. Well, we'll see.
No. It's not like Viet Nam at all:
The Marines enter the home, in two-man teams. Soon one emerges with the AK-47 that the Iraqi man had mentioned, and leans it against a wall. "You'll get this back when we go," Simone tells the man. It's common for ordinary Iraqis to have such a rifle. "Have you seen Iraqi troops near here? How recently?"
He is told that there were soldiers in the area five or six days ago, but that they are now gone.
And then, from inside the house, an excited Marine shouts: "Hey, we have a machine gun in here!"
The farmer turns nervous, and begins speaking quickly. He tells the interpreter that his children are ill from drinking the water, and that they have no place to go to school. "Tell him that once Saddam goes down, we're gonna bring food, medical supplies and water."
Platoon Sgt. Eric Strause, walks out carrying a light RPK machine gun, which the Marines found wrapped in blankets in a bedroom.
"He's not keeping it," says Strause, 32, of San Antonio. "He never told us he had it."
"Ask him where he got the machine gun," Simone says. The man says that he bought it.
"Tell him that it's too dangerous to U.S. troops," Simone says. "We are taking it."
A moment later Todd, 23, from Monroe, N.Y., brings up a shiny black sighting device used for aiming mortars. It was found in the dresser next to the man's bed. Earlier in the day, Marines from a different platoon had found a mortar tube in a nearby field.
It's going to be worse.
This won't be another Vietnam...it's going to be more like Russia's Afghanistan adventure.
Hope the workers from Halliburton and Bechtel like kevlar.....