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Monday, September 30, 2002
There's idiots, useful idiots, and then there is Sullivan
Looks like Andy Sullivan has his knickers in a twist...again. Now it's those pesky Congressmen who were actually elected instead of selected. Let's listen in:
WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY ON?: Congressman Jim McDermott has just accused president (sic) Bush of wilfully (sic) lying to the American people about national security threats from Saddam or Al Qaeda. He said this not on the floor of the House or in his district - but in Baghdad, the capital city of a despot who is on the brink of war with the United States. At a time when the U.S. government is attempting some high-level diplomatic maneuvers in the U.N., when Saddam is desperate for any propaganda ploy he can muster, these useful idiots play his game. I think what we're seeing now is the hard-core base of the Democratic Party showing its true colors, and those colors, having flirted with irrelevance and then insouciance are now perilously close to treason.
This is the story that harshed Andy's mellow:
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 — Democratic congressmen who are visiting Iraq this week stirred up anger among some Republicans when they questioned the reasons President Bush has used to justify possible military action against Iraq.
One of the congressmen, Representative Jim McDermott of Washington State, said today that he thought President Bush was willing "to mislead the American people" about whether the war was needed and that the administration had gone back and forth between citing supposed links between Iraq and the terrorist network Al Qaeda and Iraq's supposed attempts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.
Andy then continues in high dudgeon:
So at a crucial juncture in American diplomacy, this Democrat is saying that Bush is a liar and a cheat - and in Baghdad! The only word for this is vile. Then there's David Bonior, formerly second-ranking Democrat in the House, who said the following: "We've got to move forward in a way that's fair and impartial. That means not having the United States or the Iraqis dictate the rules to these inspections." Let's be clear here. This guy is saying that we should be neutral between the demands of the United States and Iraq over weapons inspections. Neutral. Between his own country and a vicious military despot with weapons of mass destruction, Bonior cautions neutrality. It seems to me that in the coming elections, this has to be a key issue. Do you want to elect Congressmen who are neutral between Iraq and the U.S. or those who would always put the interests of the U.S. first? Now that the Democrats have upped the ante in this way, I see no reason why the Republicans cannot call them on it.
Shall we deconstruct Andy's little screed? Oh, lets!:
Andy:Congressman Jim McDermott has just accused president Bush of wilfully lying to the American people about national security threats from Saddam or Al Qaeda.
Looks like the International Atomic Energy Agency begs to differ. Guess it was just a mistake in the Cliff Notes that Condi prepared for him...or Bush lied.
Andy:He said this not on the floor of the House or in his district - but in Baghdad, the capital city of a despot who is on the brink of war with the United States.
Actually, it looks like the Bush is on the brink of war with Iraq, not the other way around. I haven't heard Saddam threatening "regime change" in the US. If he did, I'm sure the papers would have mentioned it.
Andy:At a time when the U.S. government is attempting some high-level diplomatic maneuvers in the U.N.
Bush: Either you go with us or we are gonna go anyway. Yup, sounds "high level diplomatic" to me.
Andy:I think what we're seeing now is the hard-core base of the Democratic Party showing its true colors, and those colors, having flirted with irrelevance and then insouciance are now perilously close to treason.
Now as I understand the word "insouciance", it means a lack of concern or being nonchalant. I wouldn't think that three American Congressmen would travel to the country of "a vicious military despot with weapons of mass destruction" if they weren't concerned that the a lying President was willing to start World War III just because some guy "tried to kill my dad". So we will have to deny Andy this point also. Sorry.
Andy:"We've got to move forward in a way that's fair and impartial. That means not having the United States or the Iraqis dictate the rules to these inspections." Let's be clear here. This guy is saying that we should be neutral between the demands of the United States and Iraq over weapons inspections. Neutral. Between his own country and a vicious military despot with weapons of mass destruction, Bonior cautions neutrality.
No. Bonior is making the point that the UN and not the US should dictate the rules of engagement. If it were up to this administration, Iraq would already be a US colony called either East Texas or Exxonistan. Oh yes, and we still have no proof of weapons of mass destruction except for what President Cowardly Lyin' is telling us.
Andy: It seems to me that in the coming elections, this has to be a key issue. Do you want to elect Congressmen who are neutral between Iraq and the U.S. or those who would always put the interests of the U.S. first?
BZZZT. Strawman! Shouldn't the choice be between those who want to send somebody else's kids off to die for oil and "daddy vengeance" or for someone who wants to be a partner in the world community and not just run around blowing shit up because they can?
So I would say that Andy didn't do so well today. He did manage an approximation of the shrill level of shrieking hysteria that was set by Chickenhawk Michael Kelly, but that is a benchmark that is almost, shall we say, Coulterian. Let's give him a D+ with markdowns for misspellings and for misapplying "insouciance".
For Andy's next assignment::
Jim McDermott (D- Former Lt. Commander, US Navy Medical Corp),
Mike Thompson (D- Viet Nam Vet from 173rd Airborne, awarded the Purple Heart)
David Bonior (D- US Air Force)
George W Bush (R- Deserted from the Texas Air National Guard)
Dick Cheney (R-Had other priorities)
Compare and contrast.
...and remember...show work.