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Monday, September 10, 2007
Help me... to help you More "pull my finger" than "helping hand".
I can't begin to tell you how much it warms my heart to hear advice coming from the opposite side of the great divide regarding how we treat Gen. David Petraeus, our New Millenium Westmoreland .
There is the evil albino himself:
Democrats in Congress and across the country need to denounce this George Soros-funded front for its slander on Gen. David Petraeus. Democratic senators especially need to find a microphone and loudly condemn the slander that Gen. Petraeus is a traitor and the lesser alleged offense that he will distort his report. Gen. Petraeus was confirmed by the Senate on an 81-to-0 vote, and no senator then or now has indicated other than complete trust in Petraeus' integrity. If I recall correctly George W. Bush was reelected (or elected for the first time depending upon your personal take) back in 2004 and Republicans at that time still seemed to believe that he was the steely-eyed rocketman who surely wouldn't botch the Global War on Terror and would solve all of our illegal immigration woes with a wave of his cape and an 'ole!'; a whiter and brighter America.
Yeah. Like that was going to happen.
Either way Hugh, thanks but no thanks. We know you mean well.
Then there is Frederick of Hollywood, the guy who takes money from babykillers:
Former senator and Republican White House hopeful Fred Thompson called on Democratic presidential candidates Monday to refund all donations received from MoveOn.org after the liberal advocacy group ran an ad attacking Gen. David Petraeus in The New York Times.
"I understand there's a front page ad that's been taken out by this outfit called MoveOn.org in the New York Times today," said Thompson at a campaign rally at Doc's Barbecue in this capital city. I like Fred's approach; the rustic "I hear tell that there's some kinda ad in some big city newspaper that I don' cotton to...". Too bad we have moved past the days when he could blame it on smartass New York City Jews (sound), commies, and 'nigras'. But that's what happens when you wait too long to get into the race. In Fred's case, August 1959.
Meanwhile Byron York tosses his hair and worries his pretty little head about the fate of the Democrats:
Now, with the “General Betray Us” campaign, those Democrats again face the question: Do they dare to cross MoveOn? Not long after the 2004 elections, Pariser famously said of Democrats, “Now it’s our party. We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.” The next few days could be crucial in determining whether he was right or not. Somehow I think that the Americans are going to be a bit more forgiving of MoveOn and the Democrats than some of the right might wish to think. And maybe one day these guys are going to realize that wishing and hoping isn't a plan.
Yeah. Like that is going to happen.