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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The hidden balls trick
 Which one is the quarterback?
As Mr Mark B. from Austin Texas will tell you, I am prone to the occasional misspelling or typo when putting up posts. Hey, it happens to the best of us. But I found this comment over at Ann Althouse particularly humorous in light of the subject matter.
To set the stage, Althouse has linked to a John Tierney column that few will read (thank you TimesSelect) because Tierney is an overpaid tool hired to make Bobo look erudite. Tierney's column deals with Title IX (and we'll assume that Tierney will surprise us and come down on the side of free markets and invisible hands and Randian exceptionalism because that's the only trick that the Tierney pony knows). Now before getting to the comment, a bit of a disclaimer. It should come as no surprise that the regal and MILFesque Mrs tbogg (whose undergraduate degree is in physical education, I might add) and I are big supporters of Title IX for obvious reasons. Although we can afford to send the L&T Casey to college we're not going to turn down any assistance if it comes from the right school. It's called 'vested interest' and I'm sure that Tierney could go on all night about it. But we're getting off track here...
Let's go to the comments where Fitz (who I should mention is a thirty-five year old attorney) states his case:The argument for Title IX was that participation in sports gave men a competitive advantage in pursuing power in other areas of life. (business, politics, ect)(sic) It was obviously a crass and successful effort by feminists to enforce androgyny.
The goal itself, weather(sic) stated directly or coached(sic) in civil rights language seems silly and destructive. (as it has been) Men tend to be more interested in sports, play them more often, and relish there(sic) participation. Naturally you get larger men’s sports teams.
Its(sic) telling that feminist(sic) have attempted to reject physical activity’s(sic) that women are interested in as being labeled a sport under title IX. (Aerobics, cheerleading, dance) It seems they want competitive sports to be the norm among women. Once again, their androgynizing(sic) impulse supersedes the needs or wishes of actual women.
At my own school wrestling teams and diving teams were being cut. The programs that do attract women, like volleyball had 5 squads and over 100 team members. I knew these girls. They liked to play volleyball and showed up for practice in order to maintain there(sic) scholarships. Meanwhile the competitive best players made up the real “team” that competed at the intercollegiate level.
Examples like this abound. Just another case of ideological zeal, crass academic fiefdoms and leftist politics making our universities silly and inhospitable places.
11:40 AM, July 11, 2006 Once we finish giggling at the petty nitpicking we can consider these gems:It was obviously a crass and successful effort by feminists to enforce androgyny. Outside of mandatory bowl-cuts and baggy jumpsuits I'm not sure how one goes about enforcing "androgyny"Men tend to be more interested in sports, play them more often, and relish there participation. Naturally you get larger men’s sports teams. And because lots of men love baseball and basketball, all teams should be required to carry, oh, about a hundred players because a deep bench is a strong bench.Its telling that feminist have attempted to reject physical activity’s that women are interested in as being labeled a sport under title IX. (Aerobics, cheerleading, dance) It seems they want competitive sports to be the norm among women. Once again, their androgynizing impulse supersedes the needs or wishes of actual women. Oh. God. This one is a doozy. I know men who are interested in lifting weights, screaming at NASCAR races, and doing that white-guy dance where they shuffle from foot to foot while biting their bottom lip... but I don't think that Division I and ESPN2 are quite ready for National Championships just yet. As for "actual women" as opposed to "feminists", I'm not going to be greedy and I'll let the likes of Amanda or Bitch PhD handle that one. Hilarious hijinks are sure to follow. At my own school wrestling teams and diving teams were being cut. The programs that do attract women, like volleyball had 5 squads and over 100 team members. I knew these girls. They liked to play volleyball and showed up for practice in order to maintain there scholarships. Meanwhile the competitive best players made up the real “team” that competed at the intercollegiate level. That is also known as a football "team".
You know? The big dumb guys with the low grades and bad SATs who are in school on a full ride scholarship?
Those guys.
Or maybe these guys.
Hey! Here's basketball.
One could make several arguments regarding Title IX or scholarships for athletes, male or female, and whether schools should even be in the sports business, but the one stated above?
I give it a D-
Next time show work.